solar Power

Projects Under Progress

Company Information

Company name and legal entity

 Bethlehem  for instruments

Contact person and position

Ghassan Olayan

Contact details

(street, city, postcode, country, telephone numbers)


P.Box  1058 Bethlehem Palestane   mobil : 970 592265001

Company website

Company role in CPV projects

We have installed some Home Base  Solar systems , we are working on 1Mw System it will be the first to as such inpalestaion

Project Description

Project name

GBAR –Battir  Bethlehem

Project description (auto consumption,  grid connected, …)

Grid connected

Site location and country, coordinates

Battir  Bethlehem

DNI site


Target plant size in MWp


Expected date of grid connection








2:1.Project Information



Project name

"GBAR " 1 M kW PV system

Project location

Battir Behlehem - Palestine



Prepared for

case study

Prepared by

Dr SaadOdeh


Project type






Grid type



2:2   Areas of the project and construction.

About 7000 square meters of facilities 


2:3Climate Data for West Bank Area (How Much sun we have)


Sun platform .


Balance-of-System Components

In addition to the solar modules and inverter, a solar PV system consists of other parts

called BOS components, which include:

·         Mounting racks and hardware for the panels

·         Wiring for electrical connections.


Ground-Mounted Systems:

For ground-mounted systems, the mounting system can be either directly anchored into The ground (via driven piers or concrete footers) or ballasted on the surface without ground penetration. Mounting systems must withstand local wind loads, which range From 90–120 mph for most areas or 130 mph or more for areas with hurricane potential. Depending on the region, snow and ice loads must also be a design consideration for the mounting system. For surface applications on potentially contaminated mine sites, such as the VAG mine, mounting system designs will be primarily driven by these   but generate less energy (kWh) per unit power (kW) of capacity than tracking systems  

Typical ground-mounted systems can be categorized as fixed tilt or tracking. Fixed-tilt

Mounting structures consist of panels installed at a set angle, typically based on site

latitude and wind conditions, to increase exposure to solar radiation throughout the year.

Fixed-tilt systems are used at many brow field sites. They have lower maintenance costs effects, which can interfere with the alignment requirements of such systems.


Single- and dual-axis trackers may not be suitable due to potential settlement.

Selection of the mounting system is also heavily dependent on anchoring or foundation

Selection. The mounting system design will also need to meet applicable local buildin 

code requirements with respect to snow, wind, and seismic and others factors.


Wiring for electrical connections

Electrical connections, including wiring, disconnect switches, fuses, and breakers are

required to meet electrical code (ISO) for both safety and equipment protection. In most traditional applications, wiring from (1) the arrays to inverters and (2) inverters

to point of interconnection is generally run as direct burial through trenches 



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